In our recent post, we introduced MatchX Smart Parking solution, which eliminates “parking pain” for drivers and can save billions of euros of a city budget. However, we haven’t stopped there and continued our technological development to help improve the quality of life for citizens and make parking difficulties a thing of the past.
Setting up cameras in public is a big privacy problem (and rightly so!). That’s why it is so powerful to combine LoRaWAN with AI cameras: it is impossible to send or store any personal data (LoRa has a low bandwidth) but in combination with artificial intelligence, pre-processed data can be sent. What does that mean?
Think about a parking space: the camera is set up to look over the parking space and records (visualized in red) when space opens up. Only the information ‘there are 5 free spaces’ ‘ is then sent to the cloud and further on to you. This unlocks the use of cameras in countries with strict GDPR rules.EdgeX AI with pre-trained software to detect parking spots
Instead of deploying hundreds of sensors (150€ each) around the parking space, one AI-enabled camera can tackle this problem with even more accurate performance.
The EdgeX AI can be trained to see or hear the signals you want to analyse. The information on ‘a free spot’, or unusual sounds (‘screaming, alarms’) can then be used, without sending any images or videos. It can also analyze data such as vehicle traffic, vehicle type, peak hour timings, and frequency to predict future trends and provide a seamless parking experience over time.
To make it run smoothly and reliably, our AI tech-team has analyzed thousands of different pictures of parking slots to achieve a level of high accuracy.
A LoRa network can be set up quickly and cheaply with only one gateway (EUR 400) connected to the Edge X – powered by artificial intelligence. The system is therefore highly scalable to a city-wide level.
As the world grapples with population explosion exacerbated by cars strangling city centers, we want to provide the technology that enables hassle-free, but private urban communities.
The AI-enabled camera detects free parking spots in Berlin using Machine Learning in combination with LoRaWAN
It is an exciting market: the Smart Parking Solutions Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 17.94% from 2016 to 2021 to Reach a Market Size of USD 5.25 Billion by 2025.
We would love to show you the magic of the EdgeX AI and solve your problems with the most exciting new technologies- Get in touch today!
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