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Smart Parking

Smart Parking

Have you ever thought about how much time you lose while searching for a free parking spot? How much money you could have saved if you knew real-time parking information?

Every year motorists spend a tremendous amount of hours looking for a parking spot. This situation causes problems such as a waste of fuel along with additional emissions in the air, anxiety, and stress for drivers. INRIX published a major new study where they found that German drivers spend an average of 44 hours per year searching for a parking spot at a cost of €896 per driver in wasted time, fuel and emissions and the country as a whole €40.4 billion.

Here at MatchX GmbH, we are committed to continuously improving the quality of life of citizens by implementing IoT smart city projects. One of these projects is smart parking. Intelligent parking sensors are transmitting information on the occupancy status of parking slots and the location of available ones. Our gateways send this data to MatchX Cloud via an LPWAN network, using the open LoRaWAN technology.

Such a holistic approach to a parking problem offers new opportunities for mobile apps, web analytics, and different APIs. Most importantly, it saves drivers a lot of time and stress!


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