MXC and MatchX are revolutionizing the Internet of Things (IoT), creating the world's largest free LPWAN network.
To achieve our ambitious global goal, we need you! By installing the M2 Pro LPWAN Miner across the planet we extend our data network reach. Now, it’s time to get the word out. Welcome to the global data movement!

Who is the Affiliate Program for?
Our Affiliate Program is intended for Influencers, YouTubers, Bloggers, Crypto News website owners and other individuals and companies with coordinated strategies for promoting our revolutionary crypto miner.

Who it is not for...
People looking to refer one or two sales to close friends. If you are simply looking to refer a few sales and gain a quick discount, we suggest you provide the following discount code to your friend or loved one. Simply instruct them to use coupon code: MATCH50 when checking out. This will give the same amount of discount as affiliate links give to the purchaser of the device. The affiliate program is not for people looking to get a discount on their own purchases. If we suspect this is why someone is signing up their application will not get approved, or we may ask for clarification.

Payment will be done via bank transfer

Currently we have a $500 payout threshold

Payout amounts are subject to change. Please check the payout in the system after being approved

I got rejected. Why?
Unfortunately we can not approve all affiliates due to resource and costs involved in managing administrative and billing tasks. If you are building a website, YouTube channel, or social media strategy that would promote our product, please apply when this is live and you have something to display. This will then significantly increase your chances of being approved.

I got approved. Now what?
The first thing you should do is login and familiarize yourself with the system.
Next, and most important, is to get your tracking link. The tracking link must be clicked/visited by someone in order for you to get sales credit. It's how we track which affiliate gets credit for an order. Please see the above video on how to get your tracking link.
You may wish to shorten your tracking link (this is completely up to you and is not a necessity). You can do this with any URL shortener service such as bit.ly. Benefits of shortening your link include a) a cleaner link b) if you use the link in several video descriptions, if it ever changes, you would only need to update it once in the URL shortener service.